Friday, December 08, 2006

Too Busy to Blog

This seems to be a theme recently, I do apologize for it. I have been slacking on documenting my adventures here in LA, our constantly sputtering internet connection here at our apartment(thanks to Time Warner) doesn't help, either.

A lot has happened, I had a great Thanksgiving, I hope everyone else had a good one. I went up to SF and visited my family and friends and then stayed for a week. It was a good long vacation. I had a great Thanksgiving, it was good to see my family(and friends because Andrew was there, too, along with one of Peter's friends from USC who joined us). Lots of good food, tons of laughter, and a funny game of catch with the football which included a naval rescue, a magic stick, and Peter taking a bow.

Before I came up, Larry gave me the good news that he is working t try and transfer me to the lamp dock at Warner Brothers for a year, This would get me into the union and it would give me a free pass to observe a working studio from the inside, to which I might model my studio after in the future. On top of that, Karolina offered to move down t LA for a year as I work at WB and then work for 6-8 months in the union on what ever show I en up getting picked up on... well, only if I get her a puppy.

I pretty much bummed around SF during my vacation. I did a shoot with Matt, Joe and Spenser which was a lot of fun, and then I surprised everyone at school on Monday. I was sad that I didn't get to see Karen Holmes(my favorite teacher at SFSU) but I did get to say hi to Ray, Roy, Anay, and the Cinema Collective. I went to the meeting and did a little lighting demo and hung out in the Collective office all day like old times(only the office was a little neater and organized back in my day- hahah)

Tuesday I went to Lucas Ranch(no, I didn't see George). My friend Erin works there for this section called Jack Doc, she is currently working on documentaries for the bonus disc of the Young Indiana Jones series being released on DVD. I got to see Skywalker Sound and the rest of the ranch grounds! The security guards have X-wings on their security shoulder patches!!! I took my picture in front of The Indiana Jones hat, whip, Holy Grail, Grail Diary, Temple of Doom Stones, Idle, and Staff of Ra! For some reason I all of a sudden got so much more genuine resect for George Lucas because I could tell that he has a real respect and love for cinema and film making and film history because in every office, in every hallway, on every wall there is an old original movie poster. I can't explain it, but I just got so syked and excited to create a studio up in SF. I pretty much decided that I needed to take the Warner Brothers job and then come back as soon as I can and start it. If you build it, they will come... as they say.

Wednesday was Karolina's birthday, I got her shoes and made her dinner, but I think she was just happy to see me. Thursday I went to the movies with Patrick, we saw The Fountain. And that is when I got the call...

Larry called me and wanted to know if he could give my number to Isidore Mankofsky (yes, the man who shot The Muppet Movie) as a possible gaffer for a shoot coming up next week. So Isidore called me and hired me for the shoot, 5 days shooting this short film(with hopes of becoming a feature) with puppets and miniatures. You all can check out the pictures and sets, etc, at the films website: Oh, and I found out today that Paul Giamatti is the voice of the main character...!

The week was finished with a screening of 5 MFA films; I had worked on one of them. I felt like a celebrity because everyone was coming up to me saying they had heard that I was doing well in LA and asking me all sorts of questions. It was fun.

I had a relaxing weekend and then flew back home on Sunday morning, ran over to Isidore's house for quick meeting in the afternoon, bused over to USC to boom op and help out on the film Andrew is helping produce.

Monday I helped out at Mole for this Kodak workshop(yay- more free film for me). Tueday I did a long work day on a music video during which there was a physical altercation at the end of the night between the 1st AD and Key Grip(see PhillM tip-of-the-day)but I was working under Rob Hauer(from the Aquarium shoot in Boston) which is always a pleasure working with him. Wednesday I helped out again on the film Andrew is producing and then Thursday I went to the pre-production meeting for this puppet movie.

And now if is Friday. I just got back from a location scout for the USC project I am gaffing at the end of this month called Loon which I am very excited for. Now it is time for sleep because I have the pre-rig tomorrow for the puppet film... it's gonna be a long weekend.

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
As a producer, AD, director, or other person of power on set, it is always good to make sure you thank your crew and encourage them. If you are going longer then expected, it is a good idea to apologize and then ask. Please do not take advantage of your crew. Remember- you are only as good as your crew.

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