Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Union for 2 Days Teaser...

I am so tired due to..... (drum roll) TWO DAYS OF UNION PERMIT WORK AT WARNER BROTHERS!

I have so many stories to write about and no energy right now, I promise I will post an in-depth blog about my 2 days as union... but let me leave you with some very interesting math...

Day 1: 10 hours

Day 2: 12 hours

-I got $29.90 per hour which was last years rates for some reason.
-I worked a total of 10 hrs.
-Hours 1-8 is normal pay...
... hours 9-10 is time and a half!
...hours 11-12 is double time!

so if you do the math...

Day 1: $328.90
Day 2: $448.50

total: $777.40

...minus taxes of course:(

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
For some reason, when you are untying a rope from something that somebody is lowering down to you you yell "hollywood!" or give the rope two(2) hard tugs to let the person know that they can then pull the rope back up.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


look what my little brother found for me online:

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
When setting a c-stand, always try and get the base of the stand as close to the thing that needs holding as possible. Doing that at the very beginning seems to make things go a lot smoother.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Owen Roizman ASC Knows My Name!

Wow- Owen Roizman ASC came into Mole yesterday to shoot some portraits of fellow ASC members for the American Cinematographer Magazine. He remembered my name. Owen Roizman ASC knows MY name!

I am coming up to SF for a short film in the next couple of weeks... very excited. if anyone wants to come out and day play, please email me or call me:

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
When tying knots, it is a good idea to ties the knots on the same plane as the direction of the rope or ropes. A key grip once told me that there should never be more then 2 directions you pull the rope when tying a knot... it seems to keep everything going in the right direction and it helps you learn to tie the knot faster and stronger.