Friday, February 02, 2007

Nikolai Speaks and Other Trailers

Nikolai Speaks
I am very proud to present the trailer for Aaron Rockwell's new movie Nikolai Speaks:

It was shot by my friend Erin Palmquist (future ASC) and about 90% of the SFSU Cinema Collective worked on it! Check it out!

Too Loud A Solitude
And check out this trailer for the puppet movie, Too Loud A Solitude, when I gaffed for Isidore Mankofsky ASC:

Doom Eye
I am also extremely proud to present the film that changed this years USC's 24 Hour Ed Wood film festival forever by inspiring a new category and winning Honorable Mention; a film heralded as inspired by Mr. Wood himself, a throw-back to Hitchcock's Rope; a film that critics hail as a "...cinematic masterpiece..." with "...amazing camera work..." and "...holy crap, I can't believe this was made by a bunch of freshmen non-cinema majors... boy that explains a lot!" - own brother's film...

...Doom Eye!

[staring DJ something-or-other and three other guys I don't know.]

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
When lighting people, the key light determins the shape of the light(hard, soft, direction, etc) and the fill deturmins the mood(scary, happy, sad, etc).

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