Friday, March 21, 2008

On a Slow Boat to China... er, In China.

Sorry about not posting, it has been slow here and the internet is expensive here in Shanghai... yes, they sent Rob and I on a "vacation" to Shanghai while they recast the film...

Ok, so it's been very slow moving here for the film. There has been issue after issue with actor contracts and equipment negotiations and the director getting sick for a few days that has really slowed down production. It is now looking like a 2 week push back on the schedule... however, Rob and I still don't know what this means for the date we are supposed to come home.

So with nothing really to do, Rob and I decided to get into acting and, as a result, ended up getting cast in the movie:

No, just kidding. We were bored enough to get really excited and take head shots and post them on the casting board as a prank... I think they are still up, no one has come to us and said anything yet.

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
Higher voltage tends to arc more, so always be extra careful around 12Ks, 18Ks and 20/14Ks.

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