Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Long Time...

It's been a long time since I wrote last. I've been super busy on shoots and traveling. I was up in SF last weekend for an alumni panel and to visit friends and family but now i am back in LA. Anyway, real quick, I was a stand-in/actor today for a Kodak film test by Jim Chressanthis, ASC. It was fun... and I met a gaffer who will help me get more 728 days on "Ghost Whisperer".

Joe moved down here and we've been working together on a few pictures, he's been getting a lot of job offers, some of them paid, which is amazing! So things are going well. Our apartment is cramped and cluttered, we're slowly sifting through the mess and making sence of it all. Work is steady, we'll be on the Universal backlot for a night shoot from thurs to fri- that will be tons of fun! Well, time to do dishes and clean some more.

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
When giving your cards to some of the old timers and other union guys, make sure you have "electric" or "grip" only on your card, don't put "gaffer" or "best boy" because some of the older guys get insulted and say, "who does this kid think he is!?"

1 comment:

Gungirl said...

that's awesome, phill! i'm so glad to hear that you and joe are doing well. thanks for coming out to sf. it was so nice to see you!! you gave awesome advice.