Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Another Long Week

Yup, another long week.

On Sunday I had a quick 12 hour shoot, but it went over so I got $100 instead of $50. The shoot had five locations all across LA so we were forced to shoot very quickly. It was like a treasure hunt almost, pretty exciting. Plus I got to work with one of my favorite DPs, Miss Nikola Marsh from England. She got sick of my fake accent in the first hour...

Monday was day 1 of 7 for the LA Film School shoot. Sandra, an old student of Larry's, AFI grad, and the first DP I worked with in LA was day-playing on day 1 as 1st AC. The day took extra long, we got our first shot off 4 hours after we hand planned, so we were a little behind... and craft services wasn't on time or good for that matter. Remember: A fed crew is a happy crew.

Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday... Friday... Saturday... Day 2... Day 3... Day 4... Day 5... Day 6. We were burnt out, the crew wasn't allowed to eat first(??) and there was almost never coffee in the morning. But we got through it. Friday night the crew walked the half-a-block to the local LA Film School hangout bar and had drinks to celebrate the film having only one more day(Sunday was out day off).

I had taken Saturday off of the LA Film School shoot to do some more work with Nik on another one of those treasure hunt days. But After we wrapped, I came and helped the LA Film School shoot until we wrapped and then went out. Andrew met up with us and long story short, we ended up at this dinner/cafe we always go to called The Brite Spot at about 3:30 in the morning.

We came home and crashed, I slept all of Sunday and then got up, played video games, iced my foot, and do absolutely nothing.

That is, until I met up with Edwin, Sandra, her husband Eric, our friend Kevin, and two of Sandra's friends at the Arclight to see the Prestige. It was worth getting off the couch for.

Monday was the last day of the LA Film School shoot and boy were we all glad it was over. I went home and slept after getting home around 9:00pm.

Tuesday I stayed home and iced my foot. Larry called and asked if I could come in tomorrow to teach a few guys about power distro and lights; I, of course, said yes. I continued to ice my foot and do nothing after a long, long, long... long week.

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
Volts x Amps = Watts. So in the US we run on 110-120 volts... most of our modern household circuits are 20 Amps... so how many watts can one circuit hold? Post a reply with the answer and I'll bring you a Mole t-short when I visit during Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

2200-2400 :) Sorry about your toe, but it sounds like it was worth it.
The marantz 660 arrived yesterday. woot!

Anonymous said...

2200-2400 watts..I will need the largest shirt they make. LOve, Mom