Saturday, October 07, 2006


So this weekend was Parent's Weekend at USC, very exciting! I slept in on Friday and then got up and cleaned the house, waiting for my mom call at any moment and announce an early arrival or unannounced inspection... but she didn't. I walked down the street to Borders for a meeting with the DP for that gig that I just got- I saw a posting for the filming of Studio 60 in front of the Paladium just down the street for Monday... so I think Andrew and I are going to try and crash the set. Anyway, the DP and I talked about the project a bit and then she went to meet with the director and make tons of calls. I went back home and finished cleaning and then met back up with here at the LA Film School(just down Sunset from me) where we will be filming the project. I checked out the stage that we're going to be shooting on, the lights in the ceiling are all plugged into a dimmer board, but I think that I can figure it out, the stage is gonna work, I think.
I got back home and cleaned a bit more before my mom called. I met then outside and we went over to Mole real quick(to let Andrew finish cleaning and to see it before John went home for the weekend). I showed them the sounddtage and the lights and the offices that I work in, it was fun. On the way back, while sitting in traffic, we decided to go shoe shopping, so we did. This also gave Andrew some more time to organize and by the time we got back, our apartment(minus our bedroom) looked amazing!
mom then took Andrew, Peter and me to Roscoe's, and excellent choice, I must admit. Then I got some clothes and went with my mom and Peter back down to USC. I stayed over at the hotel my mom was staying at and she woke me up early(6:20) today and we drove down to Longbeach to watch Peter's crew team row. Peter is on the novice men's USC crew club team, Mom and I were very impressed by them. I am telling you, that team is just asking for a documentary to be made about them!
We got back to USC and had breakfast before we headed through campus to the bookstore on our way to the game. I got a USC shirt so that I fit in and we ran into Andrew and then Jenna on campus. We walked through the crowds of cardinal and gold clad students/alumns/fans and kicked the base of the flag poles for good luck before crossing into Exposition park. We found our seats and watched as the stadium filled up.
USC won, then beat the Washington Huskies 26-20... but it was close... very close. I saw Peter in the student section before the game and got a picture of him(you can barely see him in the crowd, but you can see him). It was an exciting game, it's a lot of fun to root for a team and to have something in common with complete strangers sitting next to you.
After the game, Andrew and Tim met up with us for the 5th quarter, the time when the band plays a few songs after the game. Mom and I walked back and met Peter at his dorm and we went to Fatburger right off campus. We went back to the hotel and Peter said by and then Mom and I went to Target and I got some jeans and a vacuum. She dropped me off and I unpacked and did some chores. Now it's time for bed.

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
You can flip the pieces of wood in a C-47(clothepin) to make a C-48(some people call them C-74's... but that just takes to long to say). These have less grip, but a stringer pinch and are perfect for holding flat things like gels and barndoors... or gels to barndoors.