Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Psycho Hillbilly Cabin Massacre! (that is seriously what it's called)

So I did my first(of 2) days on my friend's thesis film. My buddy Rob Toth is the cinematographer on this AFI thesis film called Psycho Hillbilly Cabin Massacre!... seriously. It was a long day, I got picked up at 6:30am and we drove out to Topanga Canyon... we were the first ones there. The people were great, the equipment wasn't half bad, and the food was plenty.
We wrapped around 9:00 and I got home at 10:00... nothing much else to report.

by the way- pics from Boston:
official website:

My lighting! That's all me!

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
When an HMI is turned off, the bulb is very hot and fragile, so try to avoid moving it right away. I always let the head(the light) cool down as I unplug and wrap the ballast and head and feeder cables before I even lower or move the light.

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