Monday, October 30, 2006

SF Weekend

I went to San Francisco this weekend. Friday was a class from Mexico, so i went in early and pre-rigged the set for the DP. The class came in and we demoed a few lighting senarios for them, it was exciting. I left early because Andrew picked me up and drove me to the airport in Burbank.
I flew out at 8:30... but the plane was delayed so we took off around 9:00. I landed at Oakland and my parents picked my up and drove me to San Francisco, I gave my mom a Mole t-shirt because she answered the question in my last blog. Karolina was happy to see me... I guess I was kinda happy to see her, too- hahaha. Sofia was also excited to see me, as well.
Karolina had work on Saturday so I went out to school to meet up with Sam at the sound stage and to give Roy and Ray some t-shirts from Mole. I stopped by Aaron, Brandon, and Laura's house in the Sunset on the way to school, it was good to be back in SF. I got to school and saw Sam. Conor happened to be on the stage, too, so I got to see him and catch up a bit. I then ran into Ben and gave him a Dolby hat that I got for him. We also ran into Veronica, too- I was planning on not having time to see anyone on this trip but instead, I saw everyone.
I then took Muni downtown and met Karolina for lunch. We went to Macy's next door and our friend Rich ended up joining us later on. Karolina went back to work and Rich and I attempted to wander around the new shopping center on Market, but there were too many people. So we ended up walking back to the condo and met Joe as he got off work. Then Jenna and her baby came over and we all made dinner when Karolina got home.
Then, after dinner and after Jenna had left, Joe, Karolina and I went out to Kate's sister's house in the Richmond for a Halloween party. I didn't have a costume, but it didn't matter, I saw everyone there, Becca, Eric, Kate, Kate's brother, Kate's sister, Brook, Laura, Brandon, Allison, and I even got to talk to Spenser on the phone.
Sunday, Karolina an I slept in... the kitty slept in with us. We got up late, made pancakes(I got a txt from Andrew also asking me to make pancakes) and then got dressed and went downtown. We dropped my bag off at Crate&Barrell and went for coffee and cake at a cafe in the new mall. Then we hopped on Bart and went to Alameda. My parents picked us up and we went out to dinner at this mexican restaurant. Then we went to my parents condo before they drove me to the airport and I flew back to Burbank.
Edwin picked my up and drove me home just in time to walk in on Andrew in a Priest outfit, Kyle in a nun outfit, and Tim wearing all black with glowing eyes under his hood... awkward(they were going to a Halloween party... so not really).

And that was my weekend in San Francisco.

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
When soldiering c-stand, always face the tallest leg away from set so that you can pull a stand off the line easily and so they all stack up nice and neat.

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