Thursday, August 03, 2006


I stayed up a little late last night watching the Daily Show and Colbert Report, so it took me a while to get going in the morning. But I got to Mole on time. Today was slow, everyone was gone. See, I work in the Art Department across the street from the rest of the plant and show room and Studio Depot and everything. The only people who are regularly there are Larry, Pat, John, Phil and now me. Well, john had jury duty, Pat is getting married, Phil had a funeral, and Larry was back and forth all day. So the phones kept ringing and I kept having to open the door every time someone rang the bell. But I managed to get the sound stage in working order, back to normal.

I cut out early because Larry couldn't think of anything else for me to do. I came home and relaxed and did email stuff. While I was making dinner, I got the sudden urge to write a script, so I started. I am now on page 6 of my Don Q idea... we'll see if I finish it.

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
When addressing any sort of power issue, always address it from the front, "like you are gonna shake hands with it," as Larry says. So when you are coiling cable, plugging in something, or turning on or off a breaker, stand in front of it and address it head on.

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