Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Cuba @ Pink's

Yaaaaaay! I got to sleep in today:) I slept till about 9:00 today and Andrew and I went to our new apartment and dropped some stuff off before we went to our internships/jobs. Today, all I did was clean, clean, clean the sound stage. I re-soldiered the lights and c-stands, put the arcs away, and got things back to normal. I got off Mole super early and got some cleaning supplies and headed for our new apartment again. Andrew made a second trip the apartment after his internship and brought some more stuff over.

Then we headed over to Jenna's side of town, but not before getting a bight to eat. So we stopped by Pink's hotdog stand on La Brea(happens to be 2 blocks from Mole). So this place is pretty famous, I guess a lot of stars eat there or something... So I was standing outside about to order because there was no line(there is usually like a forty-five minute wait, I guess) and I hear this guy talking kinda loud to the guy behind the counter. So I figure, "oh, must be a regular..." and I turn and it's Cuba Gooding Jr. So I order and step inside to pay as a couple from the Midwest take their picture with him. After the photo op, he orders like twelve hotdogs and then steps inside next to me waiting for his order. I got my hotdog and waited to pay and Cuba asks me what kind of hotdog I got. I got a Chicago polish style.... basically the most standard type of hotdog I could find because I wasn't that hungry anyway. Cuba told me the Chicago dogs were great at Pink's, so that was pretty cool. Oh, and the hotdog was pretty good, too.

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
This really shouldn't be a tip-of-the-day, but I've run into too many student's who don't say please or thank you while on set. When you call for equipment or ask for anything, don't forget to say please and then when the equipment gets to you, don't forget to say thank you. If you treat your crew(and fellow crew) with respect and they will do their best to get things done.


Gungirl said...

that's so cool! i went there once, and the line was pretty long. tommy lee drove by real slow, alongside the line. he took one good look at everyone in line and was all, "screw this" and drove away. i guess he was really hungry and couldn't wait. haha

jmatarrese said...

Good job on the tip! That is a very important thing to do. I hope everyone reads this and puts that tip into action!