Thursday, July 06, 2006

Slept in Today...(not on purpose)

Man, so I totally slept through my alarm this morning and was late catching my bus this morning. On top of that, it took the buss 20 minutes to get from USC to The 10 freeway(which ussually takes less then 5 min)! Lucky for me, Larry is a super cool boss and didn't mind that I was running late at all. Plus, it was an easy day today, though I did end up staying pretty late.

But I still need a car:(

So I got home and relaxed for a bit before going to the store and picking up a few groceries. And now I am sitting here watching the Discovery Channel and wanting to go to Istanbul and explore the underground tunnels. But that's what you get when you watch the Discovery Channel. Well, time for bed so I don't sleep through my alarm again. Good night, all!

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