Friday, July 21, 2006

Clerks... too

So today we rigged for an ASC shoot at Mole. Turns out that practically half the ASC is coming in Saturday and Sunday to shoot these things for a DVD the ASC is putting out. It's awesome except for the fact that I can't be there- I signed on to help out with this music video over the weekend. Oh well, I'm sure I'll be around next time.

After Mole, I walked to the Arclight theater on Sunset and met Andrew and his brother there for a showing of Clerks: II. The Arclight was awesome, the movie was pretty good, too. The best part was Kevin Smith was there after the screening for a Q&A. He's totally cool and kept answering questions even after a poor employee of the archeology had to tell him 3 times, "one more."

PhillM tip-of-the-day:
When using a gobo head to secure an odd shaped or large item, put a camera wedge or piece of cribbing in the opposite side of the gobo head to keep the heads parallel to each other. This way, the outside half of the head does not jump the threads on the threaded screw and get stuck.
(sorry, this is a lot easier to understand when you actually see this being done... I'll try to find a diagram.)


Indie Andyy said...

The arceology theater Phill is refering to, is actually the ArcLight Theater. Forgive him, folks, he is from the Bay.

Gungirl said...

now this post makes more sense. i thought you were talking about some theatre at usc or ucla.

PhillM said...

Ya, sorry. The "replace all" button is right above the "ignore" button in spell check. So it replaced Arclight with arceology. Oops...