Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sorry No Blog

Hey guys,
Sorry for not writing yesterday. I just got home last and was really tired. Anyway, yesterday I assisted Larry as he taught 40+ new students from the LA Film School. He said it was the best class he's ever taught from there, but he says that every time the LA Film School comes in because they keep getting better and better. They asked a lot of questions and were not afraid to step up and get hands on.

Then in the afternoon I set up an 8x8 and a 12x12 and made sure things were ready for today because Bill Pope(the DP from Spiderman) is coming in. I also ran into Janice, the gaffer from the Saturday shoot that I did. She works at Mole and was watching some footage in the screening room, very cool.

So I got back from Mole and made a bunch of phone calls that I've been meaning to make. I talked to Aaron Rockwell, Sam, Matt, Ben, and Karolina. I do feel a bit disconnected from the bay area, which sucks, but I am trying my best to keep up with all the stuff that is happening up there. I am really excited to be learning all this stuff that I'm learning and making all these connections, but I can't wait to get back up to SF and make a movie with everyone.

Anyways, time to go check out my new apartment in Hollywood and then Mole @ noon.

I'll leave you with the PhillM tip-of-the-day:
-There are at least seven names for a bulb in the industry: bulb, globe, lamp, bottle, bubble, egg, Easter egg.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Phill! You're in LA now! Do you have an apartment of your own or are you sharing it with fellow SFSU alumni?